WHAT is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional Therapy heals with food.

Nutritional Therapy is a journey, not a quick fix. I work closely with my clients to uncover the reasons behind their most annoying symptoms.

Guiding clients through the nutritional foundations and a nutrient-dense, properly-prepared whole foods lifestyle adjustment my clients can start to heal their bodies and gain optimal functioning as they are designed to do.

Change is HARD! Don’t worry. I am here for you every step of the way.

WHAT does a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner do?

An NTP takes the road less traveled. We get to know you.

Like solving a 1000 piece puzzle. It will take time. NTP’s take a deep dive into your health story, finds clues on the WHY behind your symptoms, builds a healing protocol tailored for your body’s needs and works closely with you every step of the way.

What you have lived with for many, many years as “normal” is quite possibly, not your narrative. Ready to know your REAL story?

Imagine the possibilities of your body functioning optimally, as it should!

You keep using the word “Foundation”. What does that mean?

The Foundations in which our bodies need to function at their best

Blood Sugar Regulation - keeping stable blood sugar provides consistent energy, metabolic flexibility, and reduces stress on the body.

Fatty Acids - Healthy Fats are required for stable energy, optimal brain function, hormone balance, and satiety.

Mineral Balance - the spark plugs to ensuring your entire body is firing on all cylinders.

Hydration - The MOST IMPORTANT NUTRIENT! Required to help keep what goes in “moving” in the right direction to come out.

Digestion - Eating nutrient-dense whole foods is essential, but you must actually absorb the nutrients to benefit from them.

 Nutrition - A diet rich in nutrient-dense, properly prepared, whole food is the ultimate foundation of optimal health!

What are the functional tests you provide?

Nutritional Blood Testing (Coming Spring 2024) blood draw labs that take an optimal approach on nutrient deficiencies, blood sugar regulation, organ system dysfunction (cardiovascular, endocrine, immune). Not your “NORMAL” lab results when you are feeling unwell.

The GI-MAP (Microbial Assay Plus) is unique in the field of comprehensive stool testing. It relies exclusively on quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) technology to detect parasites, bacteria, fungi, and more, by targeting the specific DNA of the organisms tested.
Say what? - it is understanding what is going on in your microbiome (gut flora) to get to the root cause of your symptoms.

HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) is a functional test that measures the body’s mineral analysis through a small measure of hair nearest to the root. Our hair is like a record keeper of what is happening within our body. It can tell you your mineral imbalances which can cause stress, low hormone production, toxins in the air and in your gut, heavy metals in your system, and cofactor mineral ratios impacting your overall health.

MRT (Mediator Release Test) is a functional measurement of diet-induced sensitivity pathways. MRT simplifies a highly complex reaction and translates that into the most useable clinical information you can get – quantifying the inflammatory response to foods and food-chemicals.

Say what? - it is understanding the top 170 common foods/additives that can cause a reaction in your body. (By request)

I test to target your symptoms at the root. Testing saves time and money in the long run. Ain’t nobody got time for that!